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- March 8, 2012
New HRSA HIT and Quality Webinars
By Michelle Mills on March 8, 2012Read moreRegistration is now open for two health information technology (IT) and quality webinars in March sponsored by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA): · “Using Health IT for Patient Safety” Friday, March 23, 2:00 PM (ET) Click here to register: http://webcast.streamlogics.com/audience/index.asp?eventid=24836367 · “Overview of Meaningful Use Stage 2...
00 - March 6, 2012
Nominate Yourself to Participate in TBD Colorado
By Alicia Haywood on March 6, 2012Read moreTBD Colorado is a nonpartisan, collaborative effort designed to generate informed and constructive conversations among Coloradans about some of the biggest issues facing the state. Regional meetings will be held around the state beginning in April and will cover education, transportation, healthcare, state budget, state workforce/talent, higher education and...
- March 6, 2012
Increase Seen in the Number of Preventable Dental Conditions as Primary Diagnosis in ERs
By Alicia Haywood on March 6, 2012Read moreAccording to a recent report from the Pew Center on the States, preventable dental conditions were the primary diagnosis in 830,590 visits to ERs nationwide in 2009, a 16 percent increase from 2006. Click here to read the report. Turning to hospitals to address oral health needs is costly and...
- March 5, 2012
Colorado’s Medicaid Incentive Program Registration & Attestation Site Now Open!
By Michelle Mills on March 5, 2012Read moreHCPF has formally released their Registration and Attestation system and website. This will allow any eligible professional or hospital who qualifies for the Medicaid EHR Incentive to register and then attest for the first payment year. As you know, the first payment year is based on “AIU” or if...
- March 1, 2012
CMS Has New FAQS for You on Meaningful Use and Attestation
By Michelle Mills on March 1, 2012Read moreCMS wants to help keep you updated with information on the Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Programs. CMS has recently added five new FAQs on meaningful use and attestation. Take a minute and review them below: 1. For meaningful use objectives of the Medicare and Medicaid...
- February 28, 2012
Medicaid EHR Incentive Program Update for Colorado
By Michelle Mills on February 28, 2012Read moreThe website and software for State Medicaid registration and attestation is undergoing “user acceptance testing” over the next two weeks. We will know by the end of February if it passes this internal testing phase and will be ready for production by March 5, 2012. Look for our blogs...
- February 28, 2012
CMS Webinar: Version 5010 – Where Are We Now?
By Michelle Mills on February 28, 2012Read moreDATE: March 6, 2012TIME: 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm MST Please join the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Regional Offices for an informative webinar on Version 5010 for healthcare providers, clearing houses, vendors and others. Version 5010 refers to the standards that HIPAA-covered entities must use when electronically...
- February 28, 2012
Colorado Receives Grant for Health Benefit Exchange
By Alicia Haywood on February 28, 2012Read moreHealth insurance exchanges are online marketplaces for individuals and small businesses to compare plans that are similar in benefits for cost and quality and determine whether they are eligible for tax breaks. Consumers will be able to go online for assistance and to get enrolled. Colorado received a Level I...
- February 28, 2012
Weekly Bill Tracker
By Alicia Haywood on February 28, 2012Read moreCheck out our bill tracker to see which bills CRHC is reviewing or has taken a position.
- February 28, 2012
Update on Medicaid Expansion to Adults without Dependent Children
By Alicia Haywood on February 28, 2012Read moreThe planned Medicaid expansion for low-income adults without dependent children has undergone a few changes in its implementation plans. First, the program will initially roll out on a limited basis, will only be available for those who have incomes below 10% of the federal poverty level, and will only...