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- November 10, 2011
HRSA Webinar: Tips for Using Your Health IT System for Population Health Management
By Michelle Mills on November 10, 2011Read moreHealth IT systems are proving to be a valuable tool in managing population health. This webinar provides tips and examples from experts on how to use your health information technology (IT) system to achieve this. By focusing on the health of a community or population, providers can determine what...
00 - November 10, 2011
Economic Impact of Colorado’s Hospitals
By Alicia Haywood on November 10, 2011Read moreA study commissioned by the Colorado Hospital Association (CHA) found that hospitals in Colorado’s rural regions directly contribute $2.9 billion in economic activity and add 21,400 jobs, creating $4.1 billion in total output and 30,800 jobs due to a multiplier effect. Statewide, Colorado hospitals were responsible for about $18.8...
- November 10, 2011
Version 5010 and ICD-10: Closer than you think
By Michelle Mills on November 10, 2011Read morePlease join the Rural Assistance Center for a free webinar. Webinar Title: Version 5010 and ICD-10: Closer than you thinkDate: Tuesday, November, 15, 2011Time: 1:00pm Mountain Featured Speakers:• Christi Dant, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services• Bill Finerfrock, National Association of Rural Health Clinics Major changes are coming to...
- November 9, 2011
Celebrate the Power of Rural—National Rural Health Day, November 17
By Alicia Haywood on November 9, 2011Read moreNovember 17 is the first annual National Rural Health Day, a day to “Celebrate the Power of Rural”. Nearly 62 million Americans, and 20% of Coloradans, live in rural and frontier communities. Rural communities possess a selfless, community-minded, “can do” spirit that has helped our country thrive; they also...
- November 8, 2011
Save Money on IT Implementation and Ongoing Support Through DASH! Take Our Survey Today!
By Michelle Mills on November 8, 2011Read moreDASH, Data Services for Healthcare, was voted on last week at the CAH Workshop as the name of the organization being developed through HRSA funding to support IT in rural hospitals and clinics. Spanish Peaks Regional Medical Center and CRHC, in partnership with four other hospitals, are currently spearheading...
- November 8, 2011
Medicare Shared Savings Program National Provider Call: Application Process and Overview of the Advance Payment Model Application
By Alicia Haywood on November 8, 2011Read moreThe Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is hosting a call on Tuesday, November 15, 2011 from 11:30-1 pm MT to discuss the application process for the Medicare Shared Savings Program (to create Accountable Care Organizations) and the Advance Payment Model. The Advance Payment Model is intended to provide...
- November 8, 2011
Health Care Policy & Financing 2010 Annual Report
By Alicia Haywood on November 8, 2011Read moreThe Department of Health Care Policy and Financing 2010 Annual Report is available online. The report highlights the Department’s programmatic priorities and outlines progress made toward its 2010 initiatives.
- November 7, 2011
November 30 is the Last Day for Eligible Hospitals and Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) to Register and Attest for an Incentive Payment for FY 2011
By Michelle Mills on November 7, 2011Read moreEligible hospitals and CAHs have 60 days after the end of the fiscal year to submit their attestation for the Medicare Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program. The last day that eligible hospitals and CAHs can register and attest for fiscal year (FY) 2011 is November 30, 2011. For...
- November 7, 2011
Webinar: Business of Telemedicine & Sustainability
By Michelle Mills on November 7, 2011Read moreThe practice and deliver of healthcare is changing, with an emphasis on improving quality, safety, efficiency, and access to care. Telemedicine can help you achieve these goals. The University of Arizone Rural Health Office and the Southwest Telehealth Resource Center invite you to a free webinar on the implementation...
- November 7, 2011
Community Forum to Discuss Relocating DHS Services to HCPF, November 16
By Alicia Haywood on November 7, 2011Read moreThe Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) and the Department of Human Services (DHS) submitted a legislative report to the Joint Budget Committee regarding the possible relocation of the Division of Developmental Disabilities, the State Unit on Aging, and the Children’s Residential Habilitation Program from DHS to...