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  • CRHC Congratulates Montrose Memorial Hospital on Successfully Attesting to the Medicare Program

    By on October 5, 2011

    CRHC wishes to congratulate Montrose Memorial Hospital on being one of the first rural hospitals in Colorado to successfully attest to the Medicare Incentive Program as a Meaningful User of their EHR system. Montrose Memorial Hospital attested on September 29th further proving their committment to excellent patient care. Congratulations...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Federal Advocacy Webinar Now Online

    By on October 5, 2011

    If you missed the advocacy webinar earlier this week, a recording is now available on CRHC’s website along with the slides from the presentation and several tools you can use for your personal outreach to members of Congress. Click here for more information and useful resources to get involved...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Will Payment Bundling Work in Rural? A New Report

    By on October 4, 2011

    A new report by the Upper Midwest Rural Health Research Center assesses the financial and quality challenges – and potential unintended consequences for rural providers and patients – of implementing bundled payments for acute and post-acute care episodes; explores the possible impact on quality of care delivered under a...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Division of Insurance Holding Forums and Webinars on Insurance Changes

    By on October 4, 2011

    Colorado Commissioner of Insurance, Jim Riesberg, and other Division of Insurance staff will hold forums in Greeley and Grand Junction in October to help people learn about changes to their health insurance. The meetings are designed to address the causes of premium increases, benefits guaranteed in federal health reform,...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • CMS Has Two New YouTube Videos

    By on October 3, 2011

    CMS has posted new videos to the CMS YouTube page, including: • An overview video, titled EHR: Delaware Meaningful Use Recognition Ceremony, where providers participating in the Medicare EHR Incentive Program were honored.• An overview video, titled EHR: Cherokee Nation Receives Medicaid EHR Incentive Payment, where Dr. Woitte and...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • What Do Federal Deficit Proposals Mean for Rural?

    By on October 3, 2011

    Decisions are being made in Washington DC that will impact rural health care. If you would you like to learn more about the ongoing negotiations to reduce our nation’s deficit and understand how various proposals could impact rural providers and communities, please attend a Federal Advocacy webinar on Tuesday,...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Understanding the Rise in Health Insurance Premiums

    By on September 30, 2011

    A survey released earlier this week found that employer-based health insurance premiums increased by 8 and 9 percent for single and family coverage respectively from 2010 to 2011. A new analysis by the Commonwealth Fund looked at the potential causes of the increase, including the 2010 insurance reforms included...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • October 3 Deadline to Register, Update Voter Registration

    By on September 28, 2011

    If you would like to vote in this November’s elections, you have until October 3 to register or make changes to your existing registration. Click here for more information and resources from the Secretary of State’s office. 

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Federal Budget Update and Upcoming Webinar

    By on September 27, 2011

    Although much attention is being directed to the deficit reduction proposals and work of the President and Super Committee, the federal fiscal year 2011 ends on September 30 and none of the FY 2012 appropriation bills have been enacted by Congress. To avoid a government shutdown on October 1,...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Update on Affordable Care Act—Could Be Heard by Supreme Court in 2012

    By on September 27, 2011

    The Obama Administration did not request a review by a federal appeals court on a recent ruling on the Affordable Care Act (ACA), making it more likely that the Supreme Court would hear the case later this fall and issue its decision in 2012. With split decisions coming from...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
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