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  • Health Insurance Exchange Bill Introduced

    By on March 22, 2011

    On Monday, March 21, Colorado Senator Betty Boyd (D-Lakewood) and Representative Amy Stephens (R-Colorado Springs) introduced the Colorado Health Benefit Exchange Act, SB 11-200. The bill establishes the governing structure of the nonprofit public health insurance exchange, or marketplace where individuals and small businesses can shop for and purchase...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • CMS Announces Two Upcoming National Education Calls on Registration for the EHR Incentive Programs

    By on March 21, 2011

    Fri Apr 1, 1:30-3pm EDT / 11:30-1pm MDT – Eligible Professionals, Medicare Incentive Program Wed Apr 6, 1:30-3pm EDT / 11:30-1pm MDT – Eligible Hospitals, Medicare and Medicaid Incentive Programs On Fri Apr 1, the CMS Provider Communications Group will host a national provider education call for eligible professionals...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Walsenburg Health Clinic Buried in Paperwork from Hundreds of Insurance Plans

    By on March 21, 2011

    By Michael Booth, The Denver Post WALSENBURG — There are jobs for 2 1/2 doctors at the county health clinic in this hardscrabble southern Colorado town. Getting health insurance companies to pay those doctors takes 9.6 file clerks. Last year, the Spanish Peaks Regional Health Center sent bills to...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • The Forum 2011: Essential Perspectives for Safety Net Providers, April 20-21

    By on March 21, 2011

    The Forum is a two-day conference that will bring together participants from across Colorado and surrounding states. Presented by CRHC and ClinicNET, The Forum is an essential educational, training, and networking event for all safety net clinics, members of the clinical team, and other interested parties. Scheduled agenda topics...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • March Revenue Forecast

    By on March 18, 2011

    The Governor’s Office of State Planning and Budgeting (OSPB) and Legislative Council presented their March 2011 revenue forecasts to the Joint Budget Committee (JBC) this afternoon. The findings indicate higher than expected tax revenues and, combined with budget cuts already approved, the projected budget shortfall for FY11-12 has been revised from $1.0 billion...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • CRHC’s Role in NRHA’s Rural Health Congress

    By on March 17, 2011

    National healthcare issues directly impact rural providers and communities. Several CRHC staff currently serve on the National Rural Health Association’s (NRHA) Rural Health Congress and constituency groups and are committed to advocating on behalf of the interests of rural healthcare providers in Colorado and nationally to ensure NRHA policy...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • CMS Releases Rap Video About Meaningful Use

    By on March 17, 2011

    Feeling a little overwhelmed by Meaningful Use? Not quite sure what Meaningful Use is? Check out this rap video (yes, it says “rap”) released by CMS on You Tube and not only learn about Meaningful Use, but have a good laugh, too! Maybe the politicians aren’t as stuffy as...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • CRHC’s Role in NRHA’s Rural Health Congress

    By on March 17, 2011

    National healthcare issues directly impact rural providers and communities. Several CRHC staff currently serve on the National Rural Health Association’s (NRHA) Rural Health Congress and constituency groups and are committed to advocating on behalf of the interests of rural healthcare providers in Colorado and nationally to ensure NRHA policy...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • CRHC, CCMU and ClinicNET – In Search of Health Stories to Create a Shared Statewide Vision

    By on March 16, 2011

    Got a health story to tell? The Colorado Rural Health Center, Colorado Coalition for the Medically Underserved, and ClinicNET are ready to hear it. CRHC, CCMU, and ClinicNET will hit the road in April in search of Colorado health stories. “The purpose of Colorado HealthStory is to create an...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • CRHC, CCMU and ClinicNET – In Search of Health Stories to Create a Shared Statewide Vision

    By on March 16, 2011

    Got a health story to tell? The Colorado Rural Health Center, Colorado Coalition for the Medically Underserved, and ClinicNET are ready to hear it. CRHC, CCMU and ClinicNET will hit the road in April in search of Colorado health stories. “The purpose of Colorado HealthStory is to create an...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
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