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  • Pagosa Clinic Goes Live on EMR in Record 6 Weeks!

    By on June 10, 2010

    Congratulations to Pagosa Mountain Hospital for implementing a clinic Electronic Medical Records system in six weeks. As a brand new hospital-based Rural Health Clinic, Pagosa’s leadership had the vision to implement the clinic EMR before the Memorial Day holiday when their patient load increases significantly. Through the help of...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Meet CRHC’s new staff members!

    By on June 10, 2010

    CRHC has recently hired some excellent new staff members who are helping us improve access to healthcare for rural communities.  Feel free to drop them a note and let them know how they can help your community! Fabian Valle, Director of Workforce Programs As Director of Workforce Programs, Fabian...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Small Businesses & Healthcare Reform

    By on June 10, 2010

    The following article is from the Center for Rural Affairs regarding federal healthcare reform and what it means for small businesses: Small Businesses & Health Care Reform June 2010 Small businesses dominate the rural economy. In fact, they dominate the American economy in terms of the number of business...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Delayed Medicaid Payments

    By on June 9, 2010

    Due to a lower than expected state budget revenue forecast, which will be made public June 21st, the Department of Health Care Policy & Finance is required to delay Medicaid payments for the last two weeks of June. YOU MUST SUBMIT MEDICAID CLAIMS BY THIS FRIDAY, JUNE 11TH TO...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Save the Date: Next Consortium Webinar June 17th

    By on June 8, 2010

    Save the date for our next Consortium webinar, next Thursday, June 17th, 12-1:15pm MT. Registration and call information to follow!

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Congratulations to the 2010 Colorado Rural Health Care Grant Recipients!

    By on June 8, 2010

    Gov. Bill Ritter announced today that the Colorado Rural Health Care Grant Council has awarded $1.075 million in its third round of grant funding to strengthen health care delivery in rural communities. The Council awarded 28 grants ranging from $5,000 to $50,000 to physical, mental and oral health care...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • CO FY10-11 budget will be short if no FMAP extension

    By on June 7, 2010

    According to a report published by the National Conference of State Legislatures, almost 30 states, including Colorado, balanced their budgets relying on Congress to extend the Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAP) enhancement that has been in place since the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) was passed. The FMAP...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Will the Federal HITECH Act Improve Healthcare as Intended?

    By on June 7, 2010

    A new report released last week, authored by the Washington, D.C.-based advisory firm Manatt Health Solutions, takes a comprehensive look at whether the federal Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) will significantly improve the nation’s health care system. Titled “HITECH Revisited,” the 36-page report suggests...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Check out the new Source for Healthy Living Website from CDPHE

    By on June 4, 2010

    The Center for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment recently announced the Source for Healthy Living website, which is a new resource, created in the effort to improve the health of all Coloradans. It is a “one-stop source” for comprehensive information...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • CRHC Featured in The Colorado Trust’s Annual Report

    By on June 2, 2010

    The Colorado Trust’s 2009 Annual Report features commentaries by grantees and experts, one of which is CRHC’s CEO, Lou Ann Wilroy.  Read her article, Reversing the Shortage of Health Care Professionals in Colorado, by clicking here.

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
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