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  • Governor Launches Health Reform Website

    By on May 6, 2010

    The Governor’s Office launched the Health Care Reform in Colorado website today. The site will be updated on a regular basis with the most pertinent and important information regarding healthcare reform and what it means for Colorado. There will also be information regarding the newly created Interagency Health Reform...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Final Bill Tracker Update 5.5.10

    By on May 5, 2010

    Aaaaah, spring in Colorado. Things are slightly starting to green. The sun is shining one minute, and then it may snow. Hailstorms and thunder. Flowers and baseball. And the end of the legislative session is only a week away! Believe it or not, bills are still being introduced, though...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • A Big Thanks to Participants and Sponsors of The Forum 2010!

    By on May 5, 2010

    The Forum 2010: Essential Perspectives for Safety Net Providers, was held April 19-21 and presented by CRHC and ClinicNET. The Forum brought together participants from all over Colorado and the surrounding states. This year, the event had an expanded reach to include other states and clinic types in order to...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • HIPAA HITECH Changes Continue

    By on May 4, 2010

    On Monday, the Office of Civil Rights released (in the Code of Federal Regulations) a Request for Information related to implementation of the Accounting of Disclosures changes mandated by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and specifically the HITECH Act. The Act requires that disclosures for treatment, payment and...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • High rural suicide a rates a big problem for Colorado

    By on May 2, 2010

    Rural counties have always had unique struggles with suicide and other mental illness, and for Park County, 2009 was particularly difficult.  In the Denver Post’s recent article, “Park County’s 2009 suicides a stark reminder of state’s high rate”, they detail the mental health challenges facing rural Colorado: “In a...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • What is the REC and How Can it Help Me?

    By on April 27, 2010

    With the ever-changing landscape of Health Information Technology, acronyms seem to be popping up like wildfire. One that may have been thrown your way recently is Regional Extension Center funding, or “REC” for short. In a nut-shell the Federal government is providing funding for RECs across the country to...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Updated Bill Tracker 4.21.10

    By on April 21, 2010

    The finsh line is getting closer! We are officially 4 weeks away from the end of the 2010 Legislative Session. Of the seven bills CRHC has supported this session, three have been signed by the Governor already and one has been postponed indefinitely. Hopefully the remaining weeks will be...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Colorado to Develop “Short List” of Vendors

    By on April 20, 2010

    One of the most frequently asked Consortium questions we receive is “Does THE Consortium have a list of vendors that are recommended?” While THE Consortium is vendor-neutral, we have extensive experience in working with various vendors for small practices and rural hospitals and will assist facilities looking for viable,...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Interim Final Rule- E-Prescribing for Controlled Substance

    By on April 20, 2010

    On March 31st, an Interim Final Rule (ISR) was issued with request for comment to allow the ability to use electronic prescribing (rather than paper prescriptions) for controlled substances. These regulations are in addition to, not a replacement of, the existing rules. The IFR states the proposed rule provides...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Gov. Ritter Healthcare Press Event @ 12:30p Tuesday 4.20.10

    By on April 19, 2010

    Governor Ritter, along with various legislators, will be holding a healthcare press conference tomorrow, April 20th @ 12:30pm, to announce Colorado’s plans for implementing federal health reform. The event will take place at Denver Health, Wellington Webb Center for Primary Care, 301 W. 6th Ave. Denver. Governor Ritter will...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
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