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  • Medicare Part A News-Jurisdiction H for July 2nd, 2014

    By on July 2, 2014

    The following information is provided by Novitas Solutions. Medicare News Credit Balance Reporting for Quarter Ending 06/30/14 This notice is a reminder that the Medicare credit balance report for the quarter ending June 30, 2014 is due by July 30, 2014. You can fax your zero balance certifications to...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Medicare Part B News-Jurisdiction H for July 2nd, 2014

    By on July 2, 2014

    The following information is provided by Novitas Solutions. Medicare News New Medicare Insights Weekly Podcasts Now Available In this week’s Medicare Insights Weekly Podcasts, we give you tips on appeals and re-openings! Don’t miss these informative podcasts. Invalidation of National Coverage Determination 140.3 – Transsexual Surgery The Department of...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Medicare Part B News-Jurisdiction H for June 30th, 2014

    By on July 2, 2014

    The following information is provided by Novitas Solutions. Medicare News JH Part B Provider Outreach and Education (POE) Advisory Group (AG) Meeting May 22, 2014 The Jurisdiction H Part B Provider Outreach and Education (POE) Advisory Group (AG) Meeting for May 22, 2014 are available for your reading pleasure....

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Medicare Part A and B News- Jurisdiction H for July 1st, 2014

    By on July 2, 2014

    The following information is provided by Novitas Solutions. Medicare News Customer Contact Centers Observing Independence Day Holiday Novitas Solutions will be observing the Independence Day Holiday on Friday, July 4, 2014. Our business doors will be closed and the Customer Contact Centers will not be available. Please visit our...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Request for Applications: Dental Hygienist Co-location 2.0

    By on July 2, 2014

    Request for Applications: Dental Hygienist Co-location 2.0 Delta Dental of Colorado Foundation (DDCOF) is seeking requests for applications to permanently co-locate a registered dental hygienist (RDH) in medical settings that serve as a medical home to young children. Co-location 2.0 OverviewDDCOF is launching Dental Hygienist Co-location 2.0 to facilitate medical and...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Happy New Fiscal Year from CREATE!

    By on July 2, 2014

    That’s right folks, fiscal year 2015 has begun and the grant guidelines and reimbursement documents have been updated to reflect the changes.  Visit our website at www.coruralhealth.org/programs/create/to print the new information before attempting to submit your next CREATE application.  Contact Lakesha Jones, Grants Manager at 720.248.2742 with questions or...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • ICD-10 Bootcamp Registration!

    By on July 2, 2014

    Register today for the ICD-10 Coding Training Workshops! About the Presenter:A nationally recognized ARHPC instructor (over 15 years of experience) will provide valuable information needed to meet your ICD-10 coding and improved documentation goals for 2014. ARHPC is the Association of Rural Health Professional Coders led by John Beard,...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Medical Boards Draft Model Law Designed to Make It Easier to Treat Patients Out-of-State and Online

    By on July 2, 2014

    Officials representing state medical boards across the country have drafted a model law that would make it much easier for doctors licensed in one state to treat patients in other states, whether in person, by video-conference or online. The plan, representing the biggest change in medical licensing in decades,...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Provider Shortage Worsening, Demand Growing

    By on July 2, 2014

    Health and Human Services spokeswoman Erin Shields Britt says continuing to build the primary care workforce will take time, but she notes President Obama’s budget working its way through Congress has several new ways to expand the primary care workforce, which includes nurse practitioners and pediatricians. The Affordable Care...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Medicaid Dental Benefits Extended Further Beginning July 1

    By on July 2, 2014

    Beginning July 1st, Medicaid beneficiaries have access to more dental services under a benefit that became available April 1st. The new benefit provides Medicaid adults age 21 and older with access to up to $1,000 in dental services per state fiscal year, according to a release from the Colorado...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
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