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  • Session Alert!

    By on January 21, 2014

    Rural Health Clinic Regulations and Compliance Wednesday April 9th from 1:45-2:45 Join Robin M. Veltkamp, VP of Medical Practice Compliance and Consulting Services at HSA Ms. Veltkamp has worked as a clinical and business Medical Assistant and as a Practice Manager for multiple sites. She has also been a...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • MLN Matters Article to Clarify SNF, IRF, HH and OPT

    By on January 21, 2014

    “Manual Updates to Clarify Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF), Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF), Home Health (HH), and Outpatient (OPT) Coverage Pursuant to Jimmo vs. Sebelius” MLN Matters® Article — Released MLN Matters® Article #MM8458, “Manual Updates to Clarify Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF), Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF), Home Health (HH), and...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Exhibitor Alert!

    By on January 21, 2014

    Visit rtwelter.com/‎

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Coffee Klatches and ICD-10 Coder Academy

    By on January 21, 2014

    Join Us for a Coffee Klatch 2.0 CEU’s Available for Certified Coders!    The compliance date for ICD-10 implementation stands firm at October 1, 2014. ICD-10 will bring monumental changes to all physician practices and hospitals, and they face a significant financial impact; including claims denials, cash flow issues, and...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Exhibitor Alert!

    By on January 20, 2014

    Peer disputes can be disruptive, and CPEP, The Center for Personalized Education for Physicians, was created to provide in-depth information and educational solutions needed to objectively address physician performance concerns. In today’s environment, competence issues impact everything from quality of care to patient satisfaction to employee morale and public...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • CMS Live Wire Jan. 2014

    By on January 17, 2014

     January 2014 Now available: Online Medicare fee schedule for viewing Novitas has posted the 2014 downloadable Medicare physician fee schedule on their website. Go to http://tinyurl.com/2014-Novitas to download a text-delimited file of the latest fees. This text file is formatted for viewing only. It is not formatted for importing...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Exhibitor Alert!

    By on January 17, 2014

    Diversified Radiology’s specialties span all aspects of radiology, employing the most current technology in the process.  Their highly-trained radiologists have completed four additional years of residency after completing medical school.  In addition, a majority of the radiologists have fulfilled fellowship training in sub-specialty fields of radiology. To learn more...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Colorado Indigent Care Program (CICP)

    By on January 17, 2014

     Colorado Indigent Care Program (CICP) Health Care Reform Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Providers Signed into law on March 23, 2010, the Affordable Care Act (health reform law) has broad impact on those with and without insurance. The CICP provides discounted health care services to low income individuals at...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Exhibitor Alert!

    By on January 16, 2014

    DASH provides Remotely Hosted EHR and HIS Systems, Backup and Data Recovery, EHR Project Management and complete Outsourced IT. To learn more about DASH, visit http://www.dashnetwork.org/

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Medicare News

    By on January 16, 2014

    Medicare Learning Network Matters Articles from CMS   SE1405 – Documentation Requirements for Home Health Prospective Payment System (HH PPS) Face-to-Face Encounter MM8585 – Changes to the Laboratory National Coverage Determination (NCD) Edit Software for April 2014 (ICD-10) MM8575 – January 2014 Update of the Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC)...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
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