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- December 9, 2013
CMS Open Door Forum
By Jen Dunn on December 9, 2013Read moreSpecial Open Door Forum: Final Rule CMS-1599-F: Hospital Inpatient Admissions Discussion of the Hospital Inpatient Admission Order and Certification; 2 Midnight Benchmark for Inpatient Hospital Admissions Thursday, December 19; 1-2 pm ET CMS will host a third, follow-up call in its Special Open Door Forum (ODF) series to allow...
00 - December 9, 2013
Therapy Caps for CAHs
By Jen Dunn on December 9, 2013Read moreClick here to view excerpts from the advance Federal Register of the CY 2014 Final Physician fee schedule dealing with therapy caps. As proposed, CMS has finalized their position, subjecting outpatient therapy services in CAHs to the therapy caps beginning 1/1/14. For more information or questions contact Samantha Hiner at...
- December 9, 2013
CMS ICD – 10 Training Webinar
By Jen Dunn on December 9, 2013Read moreICD-10 Training Webinar Video: Navigating ICD-10, the Provider Perspective CMS has released a new recording of an ICD-10 training webinar conducted for the National Association of Community Health Centers. The video is available on the ICD-10 Provider Resources page. This webinar includes information on: Changes in ICD code structure,...
- December 9, 2013
Novitas Website Updates and Enhancements
By Jen Dunn on December 9, 2013Read moreLatest Website Updates and Enhancements Novitas Solutions has been listening to your feedback, and we continue to focus on improving our website. Here are a few of the things we ‘ve recently completed: Search Function Filtering: Results may now be filtered by category (Claims, Customer Service, FAQs, etc) You...
- December 9, 2013
Medicare News from Novitas Solutions
By Jen Dunn on December 9, 2013Read moreThe following JH MAC Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) which were posted for notice on October 10, 2013 are now effective: Biomarkers Overview (L33638) Molecular Diagnostics: Genitourinary Infectious Disease Testing (L33644) Neuromuscular Junction Testing (L33650) Pain Management of Peripheral Nerves by Injection (L33604) Scanning Computerized Ophthalmic Diagnostic Imaging (L33590) Transcranial...
- December 9, 2013
SHIP Webinar January – ICD-10 Implementation Series
By Jen Dunn on December 9, 2013Read moreICD-10 Implementation series January 16, 2014 – Webinar #4 Click here to register your ICD-10 Implementation Team for this meeting. Meeting Description:Please join us Thursday, January 16, 2013, from 12:00pm – 1:15pm to continue this step by step journey toward a successful ICD-10 Implementation on October 1, 2014. During...
- December 9, 2013
CMS Customer Service Units and EDI Holiday Availability
By Jen Dunn on December 9, 2013Read moreNovitas Solutions, Inc. will be observing the Christmas holiday on Tuesday, December 24, 2013, and Wednesday, December 25, 2013, and the New Year’s holiday on Wednesday, January 1, 2014. Our business doors will be closed and the Customer Service Units will not be available. Please click here for full...
- December 5, 2013
CREATE Tip of the Week – Narrative Details
By Jen Dunn on December 5, 2013Read moreYou have decided what type of training your staff requires to meet the service need. You have looked at your budget and decided that the money is not there, but how do you get this message across to grant reviewers effectively? The answer is to be specific! The best way to...
- December 4, 2013
CMS Webinar onDurable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program
By Jen Dunn on December 4, 2013Read moreThe Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will be hosting several webinars for partners and providers on The Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program: Round 1 Recompete The webinars will be conducted on the following dates: December 09, 2013 (11:00 am to 12:00 noon...
- December 4, 2013
MLN Matters and CMS: Medicare Benefit Policy Manual
By Jen Dunn on December 4, 2013Read moreClick here for the MLN Matters on Medicare Benefit Policy Manual and here for the CMS Manual System on Medicare Benefit Policy Manual.