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- November 21, 2013
Practice Guidelines for Telemedicine Webinar
By Jen Dunn on November 21, 2013Read moreThe National Telehealth Webinar Series Presented by the National Network of Telehealth Resource Centers PRESENTS: “Practice Guidelines for Telemedicine” Thursday, November 21, 20139:00 AM HST, 10:00 AM AKST, 11:00 AM PST, 12:00 PM MST, 1:00 PM CST, 2:00 PM EST Presented by:Elizabeth A. Krupinski, Ph.D. Telemedicine practice guidelines for telemedicine form...
00 - November 21, 2013
JH – Attention Part B Colorado, Oklahoma and New Mexico Customers – Claims not transmitted to MCS
By Jen Dunn on November 21, 2013Read moreJH – Attention Part B Colorado, Oklahoma and New Mexico Customers – Claims not transmitted to MCS ISSUED: (11/19/2013 @ 9:00 AM) Novitas Solutions, Inc., has identified an issue where EDI claim files submitted after 6:00 p.m. on September 28, 2013 and prior to 6:00 p.m. on September 29,...
- November 20, 2013
Latest Issue of HCIP’s ACA Implementation News
By Jen Dunn on November 20, 2013Read moreThe latest issue of the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing’s ACA Implementation News is now available online here. Please feel free to forward this along to your colleagues that may find the content of interest. If you would to sign up to receive ACA Implementation News or...
- November 20, 2013
Novitas System Change Update
By Jen Dunn on November 20, 2013Read moreUpdated: 11/18/2013 As a result of recent system changes at Novitas, customers may experience the following temporary operational difficulties: Issue Cause/Resolution Status/Date Resolved What Can You Do? Website Search Capability Has Not Been Functioning We are experiencing various issues related to website search and filter capabilities to include: Category...
- November 19, 2013
Thanksgiving Holiday Customer Service Units and EDI Availability
By Jen Dunn on November 19, 2013Read moreThanksgiving Holiday Customer Service Units and EDI Availability Novitas Solutions, Inc. will be observing the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, November 28, 2013, and Friday, November 29, 2013. Their business doors will be closed and the Customer Service Units will not be available.
- November 19, 2013
Understanding Medicare CEU Webinar
By Jen Dunn on November 19, 2013Read moreThe CMS National Training Program is pleased to announce the next Understanding Medicare CEU webinar will be held on December 3 and 4, 2013, from 1-3 pm ET. This webinar is designed for people who are new to Medicare, and for people wanting a refresher. It will provide current,...
- November 18, 2013
NFQ Call for Nominations to Behavioral Health Standing Committee
By Jen Dunn on November 18, 2013Read moreThe National Quality Forum (NQF) has a new project named “Behavioral Health Endorsement Maintenance.” This multi-phase project seeks to endorse measures for improving the delivery of behavioral health services, achieving better behavioral health outcomes, and improving the behavioral health of the population, especially those with mental illness and substance...
- November 15, 2013
Are Your Patient Safety Efforts Making a Difference?
By Jen Dunn on November 15, 2013Read moreInstitute for Healthcare Improvement’s online Web&ACTION: Using the IHI Global Trigger Tool for Measuring Adverse Events begins February 18, 2014. This program can help you learn how to identify patient harm and measure the effectiveness of your team’s safety improvements. The expert faculty for this program includes the developers...
- November 15, 2013
The State Budget Setting Process Has Begun
By Jen Dunn on November 15, 2013Read moreBy November 1st of each year, the governor must evaluate the plans, policies and programs of all departments of state government. The priorities are formulated into a financial plan and submitted to the Joint Budget Committee (JBC). After receiving Governor Hickenlooper’s proposal earlier this month, the JBC sat down...
- November 14, 2013
CEO Update: A Season of Thanks
By Michelle Mills on November 14, 2013Read moreNovember is the traditional month of thanks and I would like to personally thank all of our members, partners, and supporters! As we get closer to Thanksgivings, I’m reminded of the Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving show and the lessons we can take from our childhood stories about being grateful. To...