09/17/19 THE Consortium: Remote Patient Monitoring


09/17/19 THE Consortium: Remote Patient Monitoring

About this event


THE Consortium Webinar:
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

12:00PM- 1:00pm

Topic:    Remote Patient Monitoring

Did you know CMS is reimbursing for Remote Patient Monitoring?

Here’s your chance to check it out (a RPM product called SAMi will be part of this educational webinar) – see how it works – ask questions – hear from a provider who is working with patients on SAMi, at an average of $100 reimbursement per patient per month he says it’s a no brainer. The patients are involved in their care and because they are remote, it allows patients and care giver to stay connected real time!

Please join us for an educational overview of Remote Patient Monitoring, presented by Dr. Milind Dhond.

This webinar is free to CRHC members. All others will be billed or charged. Members please use coupon code “member” when checking out. 

If you need assistance, please contact web@coruralhealth.org

