11/15/2016- Billing/Coding Webinar -Information Governance Concepts


 This webinar is FREE for hospitals participating in the Colorado FY2016 SHIP grant program as well as CRHC members. Not sure if you’re a member? Click here to see the list of current members. Members use coupon code “MEMBER” at checkout!

Meeting Description:

Who cares about Information Governance? This 60 minute interactive webinar will explore the basic definition of Information Governance and why you should care.  Learn the principles of Information Governance and be able to articulate the importance of it to others.  Identify areas in your organization that you will need to engage to implement a successful Information Governance program.



Define Information Governance

Identify the principles of Information Governance

Explain the importance of Information Governance

Design an Information Governance structure within your organization


CIO, CMIO, Informatics, Health Information Management, Patient Access, Information Technology and Data Analytics


This webinar series is free to hospitals participating in the Colorado FY2016 SHIP grant program as well as CRHC members.  Please use the “register now” button, below, to register. 

All other facilities must go to the CRHC website to register and prepay.  If you don’t know if your hospital is in the SHIP program or if you don’t know if your facility is a CRHC Member, please ask.  We don’t want you to miss out on this valuable education.


Ready to view your webinar? Please checkout and you will receive a link to download the presentation.

If you need assistance, please contact web@coruralhealth.org


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