This webinar is FREE for hospitals participating in the Colorado FY2017 SHIP grant program as well as CRHC members. Not sure if you’re a member? Click here to see the list of current members. Members use coupon code “MEMBER” at checkout!
Meeting Description:
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
12:00 pm/noon to 1:00 pm (Mtn Daylite time)
Topic: CY 2018 CPT Changes
You need to know what CPT code changes are coming up in 2018, but you don’t want to waste precious time with summaries specifically developed for professional fee coding. That’s why we developed this valuable one-hour webinar specifically for the facility-based outpatient coding professional. In this webinar, we will highlight changes to the surgical section of CPT as well as other sections that are applicable to hospital-based coder and charge master professionals.
This webinar series is free to hospitals participating in the Colorado FY2017 SHIP grant program as well as CRHC members.
If you need assistance, please contact web@coruralhealth.org