7/12/2017 Inpatient vs Outpatient Admissions


This webinar is FREE for CO CAHs. CO CAHs please use coupon code “COCAH” at checkout!

Members use coupon code “MEMBERWEBINAR” at checkout!


July 12, 2017 1:00-1:45 pm MT

Inpatient vs Outpatient Admissions: Understanding rules that always seem to be changing

Meeting Description:

Deciding whether patients should be in observation or inpatient status has always been a challenge. The Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) program and the 2 midnight rule from CMS create additional pressure to create a common understanding for the hospital staff and physicians to make the best decision possible

Join the webinar to increase your understanding of the following topics:

  • Differentiation between inpatient and outpatient admission status
  • Documentation requirements to support the medical necessity of either type of stay
  • CMS RAC and two-midnight rule implications
  • Patient/family perspective regarding admission status
  • Using resources to support decision-making

Registration Fees:

  • CO CAHs Participating in FLEX- FREE
  • CRHC Members- $49.99
  • Non-members – $74.99


If you need assistance, please contact web@coruralhealth.org

