Member of the Month: Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center
Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center (HRRMC) is a 25-bed Critical Access hospital in Salida Colorado. Located in...
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CRHC Sponsored Events
CRHC presents a variety of events throughout the year. Check out our calendar of events for upcoming events. This month features...
We need your support! Consider partnering with CRHC as a Classic Sponsor.
Help us Educate, Advocate, Collaborate, and Innovate! Sponsorship is for vendors, for-profit organizations and corporations, and other supportive parties. The fee...
Resources, Information and Distance-Learning Opportunities
CRHC supports events presented by other organizations. Check out the following resources including topics on EMS, Improving Care Quality,...
Thanks to everyone who participated in the 2013 Forum!
Thanks to conference sponsors and exhibitors, we were able to present excellent speakers and sessions; including Keynote Speaker Dr....