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  • Safety Net Clinic Week begins on Monday!!

    By on August 14, 2013

      We would like to thank all safety net providers for the wonderful work they do everyday!   ClinicNET and CRHC conducted a Safety Net Clinic Week Countdown.  Check out ClinicNET’s Twitter or CRHC’s Facebook for details.    What else is happening?   Thursday, August 15th Kick off to...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Rural primary care shortage growing

    By on August 14, 2013

    A desire to help the elderly lured Dr. Arden Aylor to practice primary care in the area. For two years, he has served the local community, most recently with the Talladega Primary and Urgent Care Center, owned by Regional Medical Center. But though Aylor has enjoyed the work, it...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Path to United States practice is long slog to foreign doctors

    By on August 14, 2013

    Thousands of foreign-trained immigrant physicians are living in the United States with lifesaving skills that are going unused because they stumbled over one of the many hurdles in the path toward becoming a licensed doctor here. The involved testing process and often duplicative training these doctors must go through...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Replace the med school interview with fMRI: A modest proposal

    By on August 14, 2013

    A fashion faux pas almost prevented me from getting into my dream medical school. Midway through the interview there, the interviewer pointed to my left earlobe and said, “Do you really think we accept men who wear … those things?” I had no idea what he was talking about...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Northland hospitals get creative to attract doctors

    By on August 14, 2013

    There’s no one right approach to the growing shortage of doctors in rural America, experts say. Terry Hill, the executive director of the National Rural Health Resource Center in Duluth, summarized what was said in a conversation among leaders of four of the biggest health-care systems in the country:...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • More job opportunities available for physicians

    By on August 14, 2013

    More than half of physicians are receiving up to three employment solicitations per week, according to a report published by American Medical Association (AMA). According to a study from the physician recruiter Medicus Firm, released in June, more than half of practicing physicians receive at least three employment solicitations...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Surgery residents exposed to rural settings inclined to stay

    By on August 14, 2013

    Surgical residents who completed a year in rural practice were more likely to enter general surgery practice than those who did not. They were also more likely to practice in areas with populations of less than 50,000, an Oregon Health and Science University study shows. Evidence suggests that a...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Is GME snubbing rural America?

    By on August 14, 2013

    Theories abound as to why young physicians won’t practice in rural areas. But the key reason why young medical doctors don’t fill these much-needed roles readily is a lack of accountability in publicly funded Graduate Medical Education programs, researchers suggest. A new round of metrics doesn’t bode well for...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • New and developing medical schools: Motivating factors, major challenges, planning strategies

    By on August 14, 2013

    Fifteen new allopathic medical schools have been established in this country since the AAMC policy statement was issued in 2006. As a result, there are now 141 allopathic medical schools in the country. Based on projected enrollment figures, it would appear that by the end of the decade, the...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Mobilizing health information technology

    By on August 14, 2013

    We’ve all heard that electronic health record adoption has tripledsince 2010, which is especially noteworthy considering that the field of health information technology is still in its relative infancy. But while EHRs are top of mind in most health IT discussions, they’re only one facet of a rapidly growing...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
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