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  • Getting the most out of gadgets and gizmos

    By on August 14, 2013

    Grantees adapt technology to educate patients, prevent domestic violence, improve physician-patient visits, and even make us happy. As a teenager, Kyna Fong’s after-school job was quite a challenge. Kyna and her brother Conan where charged with helping their dad work with insurance companies and assist patients in his primary...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Answer to healthcare’s million dollar question could snag $2M in rewards

    By on August 14, 2013

    The Knight Foundation is levying its lance alongside a quartet of healthcare’s heavy hitters to spur new ideas to harness healthcare data technology for community health. The Miami-based media conglomerate is launching a health innovation contest with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, California HealthCare Foundation, Clinton Foundation and Health...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Nurses use Google Hangouts to collaborate on technology

    By on August 14, 2013

    Google Hangouts are getting more and more interesting. The ability to easily start a live video conference with colleagues all over the world, share screens, and see each other — all in real time — is opening many doors for innovation. Sure, live video conferencing has been around for...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Senior tsunami threatens Colorado’s healthy outlook

    By on August 14, 2013

    Colorado faces daunting challenges in providing a healthy environment for both its oldest and youngest citizens, according to a new report from the Colorado Health Institute.  The report, “Reaching Our Peak: Creating a Healthier Colorado,” assesses how Colorado rates in five major areas that affect health: schools, workplaces, communities,...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • ‘My dear Watson’ — from ‘Jeopardy’ to a doc’s office near you

    By on August 14, 2013

    Best known for beating brilliant humans at “Jeopardy,” Watson, the super computer, soon may be coming to a hospital or insurance company near you. But don’t call him (or her) Dr. Watson. The more appropriate reference may be to Sherlock Holmes’ “my dear Watson,” the indispensable right-hand man —...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Rural women less likely to get radiation therapy after lumpectomy for breast cancer

    By on August 14, 2013

    Rural women with breast cancer are less likely than their urban counterparts to receive recommended radiation therapy after having a lumpectomy, a breast-sparing surgery that removes only tumors and surrounding tissue, a study by Mayo Clinic and others found. The difference is one of several rural disparities in breast...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Healthy newborn size varies with ethnicity: study

    By on August 14, 2013

    For newborn babies, taking ethnicity into consideration may help determine how small is too small, according to Canadian researchers. They found that birth-weight standards based on population averages did not predict which babies born at or near full term were likely to suffer problems associated with being small for...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Calhoun County Community Dental Access Initiative

    By on August 14, 2013

    This program began in 2007 to address the oral health needs of poor and largely uninsured residents of Calhoun County, Michigan. In the Community Dental Access Initiative (CDAI), patients volunteer at community non-profits in exchange for dental care. To ensure that the urgent need for care diminishes over time,...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Accountable care organizations in rural America

    By on August 14, 2013

    Key Findings Medicare Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) operate in non-metropolitan counties in every U.S. Census Region.  79 Medicare ACOs operate in both metropolitan and non-metropolitan counties.  Medicare ACOs operate in 16.7% of non-metropolitan counties.  9 ACOs operate exclusively in non-metropolitan counties, including at least 1 in every U.S.  Census...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Cycling surges, so do concussions, collisions

    By on August 14, 2013

    For bicyclists, the rewards – from improved physical fitness and stress release to the minimal commuting costs – are obvious. So are the risks. Former Gov. Bill Ritter, an avid cyclist, suffered broken ribs after colliding with another bicyclist on one of his regular morning rides in 2010. Then-President...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
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