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- June 12, 2013
Rate of patients going from ED to ICU rises
By Bridgette Olson on June 12, 2013Read moreNurse.com NewsMay 15, 2013 ICU admissions from the ED increased by almost 50% between 2002 and 2009, according to a study. “The increase might be the result of an older, sicker population that needs more care,” Peter Mullins, MA, the study’s lead author and a researcher with the George...
00 - June 12, 2013
Hospitals Thinking Beyond 30-Day Readmissions
By Bridgette Olson on June 12, 2013Read moreHealthLeaders Media May 29, 2013 Operating under the assumption that the government is moving toward enacting reimbursement penalties for all-cause readmissions, some hospitals and readmission prevention experts are already developing corresponding strategies. When asked why their efforts to prevent 30-day readmissions focus only on patients with heart failure, pneumonia,...
- June 12, 2013
The Health Care Law – Health Insurance Marketplace 101
By Bridgette Olson on June 12, 2013Read moreA presentation on the main provisions in the health care law (the Affordable Care Act) and how to access care in your community. Topics include the Health Insurance Marketplace, how to enroll in health insurance and how to receive updates on implementation of the law. A brief question and...
- June 12, 2013
Webinar: Best Practices, Resources, and Strategies for Employment for Service Members, Veterans, and their Families
By Bridgette Olson on June 12, 2013Read moreThis webinar will focus on the current state of veterans’ employment, as well as best practices in employment strategies for SMVF. The presenters will provide information on promising practices from states that are partnering with business and industry, and outline strategies that employers and SMVF can use to bridge...
- June 12, 2013
State Strategies to Measure Care Coordination
By Bridgette Olson on June 12, 2013Read moreCare coordination is a focal point of health care delivery reform initiatives across the country, yet there has been limited progress in measuring it, particularly for children and between primary medical care and community service providers. How can states and providers begin to measure this crucial element of care?...
- June 12, 2013
For New Doctors, 8 Minutes Per Patient
By Bridgette Olson on June 12, 2013Read moreThe New York Times May 30, 2013 At a social gathering not long ago, a colleague and I exchanged stories about residency training, fondly remembering the patients who had helped us grow both as doctors and as people. A doctor-in-training we both knew listened intently to our conversation, but...
- June 12, 2013
Safer mad cow rating could boost U.S. beef exports
By Bridgette Olson on June 12, 2013Read moreReuters May 29, 2013 The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) has upgraded the United States’ risk classification for mad cow disease to its safest level, which could increase U.S. beef exports, the U.S. Agriculture Department said on Wednesday. The decision to rank the United States’ risk as “negligible”...
- June 12, 2013
Whooping Cough Cases Rise as Parents Opt Out of Vaccine
By Bridgette Olson on June 12, 2013Read moreHealthDay NewsJune 3 In New York, study found unvaccinated kids were 14 times more likely to get illness. Parents who opt out of vaccinating their children are putting their own kids and others around them at risk of serious illness, finds a study conducted in New York. Almost twice...
- June 12, 2013
Can Google Glass help doctors make crucial calls faster?
By Bridgette Olson on June 12, 2013Read moreBoston.comJune 6, 2013Everyone has been mocking Google’s Glasseyewear for its dweeby aesthetic. But would the teasing subside if Glass, which connects wirelessly to the Internet and can respond to spoken commands, was used to save lives?A Scituate entrepreneur, John Rodley, is working on a Glass app for use in hospitals. “I...
- June 12, 2013
RWJF Launches Hospital Pricing App Challenge
By Bridgette Olson on June 12, 2013Read moreHealth Leaders Media June 5, 2013 The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has launched a competition to develop applications and tools that will enhance and improve the way data comparing hospital prices is used. The federal government’s unprecedented release of hospital pricing data for inpatient and outpatient procedures with the...