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  • Can Google Glass help doctors make crucial calls faster?

    By on June 12, 2013

    Boston.comJune 6, 2013Everyone has been mocking Google’s Glasseyewear for its dweeby aesthetic. But would the teasing subside if Glass, which connects wirelessly to the Internet and can respond to spoken commands, was used to save lives?A Scituate entrepreneur, John Rodley, is working on a Glass app for use in hospitals. “I...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • RWJF Launches Hospital Pricing App Challenge

    By on June 12, 2013

    Health Leaders Media  June 5, 2013 The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has launched a competition to develop applications and tools that will enhance and improve the way data comparing hospital prices is used. The federal government’s unprecedented release of hospital pricing data for inpatient and outpatient procedures with the...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Infographic Playworks – positive findings

    By on June 12, 2013

    Robert Wood Johnson FoundationMay 14, 2013 A safe and healthy recess has the potential to drive better student behavior, health, and learning, according to a new study of RWJF grantee Playworks. Specific benefits include reduced bullying, enhanced feelings of safety at school, increased physical activity and more time for...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Serious work put into making primary care fun again

    By on June 12, 2013

    American Medical News June 3, 2013 Innovative clinics say redesigning the flow of care and freeing doctors from administrative hassles may boost physician satisfaction. Amid alarming rates of physician burnout, hundreds of clinics nationwide are redesigning their practices with a goal in mind beyond improving the quality of care....

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Long-term care a looming crisis, but Colorado takes an important step

    By on June 12, 2013

    SolutionsJune 10, 2013 Both Colorado and the United States face a crisis over long-term care for our aging population. (Baby boomers, this means you.) In a few years, an unparalleled demographic shift will begin to place unprecedented demands on both our health care and long-term-care systems. When this shift...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Registration has opened for 2013 Annual Rural Health Conference

    By on June 12, 2013

    The 22nd Annual Colorado Rural Health Conference will be held October 17-18, 2013 at Hotel Elegante in Colorado Springs. This year’s conference will provide participants with a wide range of educational topics, networking, resource opportunities and much more. Register today at the early bird discounted rate!  Early Bird Member...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Rural Health Excellence Award

    By on June 12, 2013

    The Rural Health Excellence Award is now open for nominations. Do you know someone who is doing amazing work in Colorado’s rural communities? Nominate them for the Rural Health Excellence Award! Complete a nomination form and return to bo@coruralhealth.org by July 31! This award is given annually by Colorado Rural Health Center...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Call for Sponsors and Exhibitors! Join Us at Colorado’s Premier Conference for Rural Providers

    By on June 12, 2013

    WE NEED YOUR HELP! Without you, we would not be able to provide such high quality programming! Thanks to conference sponsors and exhibitors, CRHC is able to present excellent speakers and sessions. Planning for the 2013 Annual Rural Health Conference is in full swing at CRHC and we need your...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Health exchange brings new customer service center, 100 jobs to Colorado Springs

    By on June 12, 2013

    The Gazette June 10, 2013 Colorado Springs has been chosen as the site for a new customer service center that will employ about 100 people who will help Coloradans navigate a new health insurance marketplace created in the wake of the Affordable Care Act. The Colorado Springs Regional Business...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Mental Health First Aid Training – Is your facility or community interested?

    By on June 12, 2013

    CRHC has become aware of a great resource for education in Rural Mental Health First Aid.  Mental Health First Aid is an interactive 12-hour training course that presents an overview of mental illnesses and substance use disorders in the U.S. The course introduces participants to risk factors and warning...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
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