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- June 12, 2013
Commercial insurers less likely to offer ACOs ‘upside-only’ shared-savings arrangements
By Bridgette Olson on June 12, 2013Read moreModernHealthcare.com June 5, 2013 Commercial insurers participating in accountable care arrangements are less likely than Medicare to use payment models featuring the “upside-only” shared savings preferred by providers, according to an analysis released Wednesday by the Premier healthcare alliance. Premier’s study of 85 ACO payer arrangements showed that more...
00 - June 12, 2013
Employment is Forecasted to Soar for the NP and PA Workforce
By Bridgette Olson on June 12, 2013Read moreNational Rural Health Resource Center June 3, 2013 Minnesota is suffering from a primary health care workforce shortage and the road to improved population health begins with increased access to care. A large portion of the primary care workforce is nearing retirement while fewer medical students are choosing primary...
- June 12, 2013
America’s Health Rankings 2013 Senior Report
By Bridgette Olson on June 12, 2013Read moreUnited health Foundation2013America’s Health Rankings Senior Report compares the health of all 50 states to each other using 34 different measures of health ranging from smoking and obesity to ICU usage. In the next 15 years, America’s senior population will grow by 53 percent. People are living longer lives...
- June 12, 2013
Five Steps for Community Hospitals to Become Great
By Bridgette Olson on June 12, 2013Read moreBecker’s Hospital Review May 29, 2013 When it comes to the hospital sector, large tertiary facilities and academic medical centers like Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago garner a lot of the attention. In some regards, it makes sense. These institutions treat some of...
- June 12, 2013
A Contrarian’s View on Private Exchanges
By Bridgette Olson on June 12, 2013Read moreThe Commonwealth Fun June 6, 2013 An enormous amount of ink and energy have been devoted to private health exchanges, leading some to believe they will become the next big thing in health care as large employers flock to them in droves. Champions of private exchange aren’t hard to...
- June 12, 2013
Electronic Health Records: Are We There Yet? What’s Taking So Long?
By Bridgette Olson on June 12, 2013Read moreRobert Wood Johnson FoundationJune 6, 2013 I am a family physician, but one who doesn’t currently practice and importantly, one who isn’t slogging day after day through health care transformation. I do not want to be presumptuous here because the doctors and other health professionals who are doing this hard...
- June 12, 2013
Comparing Rural and Urban Medicare Part D Enrollment Patterns
By Bridgette Olson on June 12, 2013Read moreUniversity of Minnesota, Rural Health Research Center May 2013 The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 facilitated prescription drug coverage for Medicare beneficiaries through the Part D program. Beginning in January 2006, Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in traditional fee-for-service Medicare could select drug coverage through a stand-alone...
- June 12, 2013
Premium Assistance in Medicaid
By Bridgette Olson on June 12, 2013Read moreRobert Wood Johnson Foundation June 6, 2013 States have proposed using expansion funds to buy private coverage for Medicaid beneficiaries through the new health insurance exchanges. Nearly a year after the Supreme Court’s June 2012 decision declaring the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) Medicaid expansion optional, states continue to grapple...
- June 12, 2013
Access to EHR Notes Lauded by Patients, Providers
By Bridgette Olson on June 12, 2013Read moreHealthLeaders Media May 14, 2013 In a pilot, a system which permits patients to view all the notes in their electronic health records was such a hit with hospital patients and physicians that Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Geisinger Health System are dramatically expanding their OpenNotes programs. Possibly...
- June 12, 2013
CRHC’s CAH Financial Workgroup Webinar
By Bridgette Olson on June 12, 2013Read moreAll Colorado CAHs are invited to join the quarterly webinars of the CAH Financial Workgroup. The next webinar will be held on June 19. For more information, contact Caleb Siem cs@coruralhealth.org.