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  • Colorado hospital profits soar despite health turbulence

    By on June 12, 2013

    The Denver Post May 30, 2013 Colorado hospital profits are soaring despite overall turbulence and uncertainty in the health care marketplace, according to a new analysis of competition in the state. Colorado’s HMOs also had strong profits and added tens of thousands of new members as they enjoyed growth...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • ACA still missing key regulatory details

    By on June 12, 2013

    ModernHeathcare.com May 30, 2013 Some key regulatory details remain unanswered in the final months before the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act‘s major provisions launch. Obama administration officials have insisted that they have issued all of the major regulations for the 2010 healthcare overhaul and are now focused on...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • The Affordable Care Act: Improving Incentives for Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment

    By on June 12, 2013

    Robert Wood Johnson Foundation May 31, 2013 Traditionally, individuals considering leaving their job to strike out on their own have worried that they may be denied health insurance coverage because they have preexisting conditions, fear losing access to a trusted physician, or are unable to afford the premiums without...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Opinion: Spend Money on Universal Care Not Costly Exchange

    By on June 12, 2013

    Solutions May 29, 2013 Coloradans need health care. It’s a basic human right. Yet as we get more information about Colorado’s new health insurance exchange, it seems less certain that people will get the health care they need. The exchange, also called a marketplace, seems more complex every day....

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Language bank provides live telephonic interpretation for practitioner, patient

    By on June 12, 2013

    Herald Mail May 30, 2013 An elderly woman heads into the emergency room with severe stomach pain. She hardly understand what’s happening, let alone how the doctors will fix it. All she knows is that it hurts, she’s alone and she doesn’t speak English. As medical personnel come and go from...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Medicare Spending Variations Mostly Due To Health Differences

    By on June 12, 2013

    Kaiser Health News May 28, 2013 The idea that uneven Medicare health care spending around the country is due to wasteful practices and overtreatment—a concept that influenced the federal health law — takes another hit in a study published Tuesday. The paper concludes that health differences around the country...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • National Council Name Chage

    By on June 12, 2013

    National Council for Behavioral Health June 6, 2013 Kittens have notoriously short attention spans. They chase the most exciting thing around. To entice them, you must get right to the point. So, what was the National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare to do?Shorten our name, of course. Click here...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • AHA Defends Hospital Consolidations

    By on June 12, 2013

    HealthLeaders Media June 12, 2013 The volume of mergers and acquisitions in healthcare is “consistent with efforts to try to achieve economies of scale… and changes in demand and particularly to realign and enhance services,” says a report from the American Hospital Association. The American Hospital Association contends that...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Colonoscopies Explain Why U.S. Leads the World in Health Expenditures

    By on June 12, 2013

    The New York Times June 1, 2013 Deirdre Yapalater’s recent colonoscopy at a surgical center near her home here on Long Island went smoothly: she was whisked from pre-op to an operating room where a gastroenterologist, assisted by an anesthesiologist and a nurse, performed the routine cancer screening procedure...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Most Doctors Don’t Meet U.S. Push for Electronic Records

    By on June 12, 2013

    Bloomberg June 3, 2013 Fewer than 1 in 10 doctors used electronic records last year to U.S. standards, according to a survey that shows the challenge facing a multibillion-dollar effort to digitize the health system for improved patient care. Only 9.8 percent of 1,820 primary-care and specialty doctors said...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
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