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  • ARHPC Coding Certification Bootcamp: November 28-30

    By on November 14, 2012

    Colorado Rural Health Center is hosting the ARHPC Coding Certification Bootcamp: Coding Certification for Rural Healthcare Facilities.  The 3 day event will begin November 28 at the Double Tree Hotel (13696 East Iliff Place, Aurora, CO 80014). Presenters will include John Beard and John Burns, both of ARHPC.  They...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • A Message from Our Friends at CFMC

    By on November 14, 2012

    Check out the Colorado Foundation for Medical Care (CFMC) Weekly Provider and Practice News, an electronic newsletter designed to help you get the most out of your electronic health record (EHR). Each week we collect information including important news and updates, upcoming events, learning opportunities, and best practices about...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Save the Date: April 3-5

    By on November 13, 2012

    The Forum is a two-day conference that will bring together participants from all over Colorado and the surrounding states. It serves as an essential educational, training, and networking event for all safety net clinics, members of the clinic team, and other interested parties. This is the 13th annual Forum,...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Sign Up for NOSORH’S Series of Free Webinars to Celebrate National Rural Health Week

    By on November 9, 2012

    November 12th through the 16th is National Rural Health Week, and at CRHC, we will be celebrating the power of rural all week. We recognize that while facing unique healthcare needs, rural areas are full of innovation and are wonderful places to live and work. We also know that...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Survey Ends Today!

    By on November 8, 2012

    Click here to complete the survey. Colorado Rural Health Center’s Policy & Advocacy Program tracks and assesses healthcare policies and regulations at both the state and Federal level. In order to assess the general landscape of rural health issues throughout the state, CRHC relies upon you, the rural healthcare provider...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Half of the States Are Implementing Patient Centered Medical Homes for Their Medicaid Populations

    By on November 8, 2012

    Medicaid agencies in 25 states have pursued initiatives to incentivize and support physician practices to become patient-centered medical homes, where clinicians and other health professionals team up to provide comprehensive, coordinated, accessible services to their low-income patient populations. Mary Takach, program director at the National Academy for State Health...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • CRHC REMINDER: ICD-10 Training

    By on November 7, 2012

    Too busy to go to ICD-10 training? Perhaps, you’ve attended ICD-10 Workshops, but would love additional training? Is your budget stretched thin already — and you wish you could find an unbelievable bargain for your staff to learn ICD-10 and how to become proficient with the rules and regulations...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • ARHPC Coding Certification Bootcamp: November 28-30

    By on November 7, 2012

    Colorado Rural Health Center is hosting the ARHPC Coding Certification Bootcamp: Coding Certification for Rural Healthcare Facilities.  The 3 day event will begin November 28 at the Double Tree Hotel (13696 East Iliff Place, Aurora, CO 80014). Presenters will include John Beard and John Burns, both of ARHPC.  They...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • REMINDER: THE Consortium November Webinar – Stage Two Meaningful Use & New Federal Guidelines on CORE

    By on November 7, 2012

    Please join us for THE Consortium webinar on Thursday, Novebmer 8, 2012 from 12:00pm – 1:15pm where we’ll start our discussion on Stage 2 Meaningful Use and review the new Federal guidelines on Eligibility and Claims Status (CORE).  Tammie Harrington from CMR will also join us as a guest speaker...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • CRHC REMINDER: ICD-10 Training

    By on October 31, 2012

    Too busy to go to ICD-10 training? Perhaps, you’ve attended ICD-10 Workshops, but would love additional training? Is your budget stretched thin already — and you wish you could find an unbelievable bargain for your staff to learn ICD-10 and how to become proficient with the rules and regulations...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
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