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  • SB09-002: Contact your Representative!

    By on March 4, 2009

    SB09-002, which would increase the motor vehicle registration fee by $1 to support Emergency Medical Services in Colorado has passed the Senate and is now up for consideration in the House Transportation & Energy Committee. A hearing date has not been set, but it is not too early to...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Keep up to date on bills CRHC is tracking

    By on February 25, 2009

    CRHC is updating its legislative tracking list on a weekly basis. Keep up to date on bills that we are following by visiting our site: CRHC Policy & Advocacy

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • SB09-002 Passes Senate!

    By on February 23, 2009

    Today SB09-002 (Increase Motor Vehicle Fee for Emergency Services) passed in the Senate!Thank you to everyone who contacted their Senator to urge their support. As soon as the voting record is made public, I will post that information here. The bill will now cross over to the House and...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Please Contact your Senator!

    By on February 18, 2009

    SB09-002: Increase Motor Vehicle Fee for Emergency Services is expected to be heard tomorrow (Thurs. Feb. 19th) by the Senate as a Whole. SB09-002 would help improve the capacity of EMS services in Colorado, in particular rural areas of the state. Please contact your Senator to urge their support...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Bills in House Appropriations – Contact Your Representative

    By on February 11, 2009

    Two bills that CRHC is in support of (HB-1111: Health Resources for Underserved Areas & HB-1119: Rural Substance Abuse Grant Program) have both passed their first hurdle and now await the House Appropriations Committee. Please contact your Representative and urge their support of these two bills. If you would...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • HB09-1119: Rural Substance Abuse Grant Program

    By on February 11, 2009

    HB09-1119 would establish the rural alcohol and substance abuse grant program that would provide alcohol and substance abuse treatment and prevention services to youth who reside in rural areas of the state. Rural is defined in this bill to be a county with less than 30,000 people. Rural areas...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Two Bills that CRHC Support Pass First Legislative Hurdle

    By on February 6, 2009

    HB-1111: Health Resources for Underserved Areas unanimously passed the House Health & Human Services Committee yesterday! Thanks to all of you who contacted your Representative to help move this bill forward. It will now go to House Appropriations. I will keep you up to date as to when the...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Keeping doctors in Rural Areas

    By on February 2, 2009

    Keeping doctors in rural areasBy Mark Deutchman, MDPosted: 01/29/2009 12:30:00 AM MST The Denver Post’s Sunday article about the town of Wellington losing its only doctor serves as a reminder of Colorado’s increasing crisis in rural health care. This is an important issue that the state must address. The...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • HB09-1111: Health Resources for Underserved Areas

    By on January 24, 2009

    HB09-1111 would help improve healthcare workforce recruitment and retention efforts in rural and underserved areas of Colorado. The bill would create the Primary Care Office (PCO), which is in charge of designating areas of the state as Health Professional Shortage Areas. The PCO also manages programs that place healthcare...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • SB09-002: Increase in Motor Vehicle Fee for Emergency Medical Services

    By on January 8, 2009

    SB09-002 would increase the motor vehicle registration fee that funds Emergency Medical Services (EMS) from $1 to $2. Since 1989, EMS has received $1 from each motor vehicle registration fee though there has not been any funding increase since then. These funds are used to support the administration of...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
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