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  • Medicare Part A News-Jurisdiction H for March 31st, 2014

    By on April 2, 2014

    The following news is brought to you by Novitas Solutions. Medicare News Protocol for Submission of Information relative to New Drugs, New or Revised Indications, or Marketing Information of Forthcoming Drugs or Devices is Now Available! Please review Novitas Solutions’ protocol regarding Submission of Information relative to New Drugs,...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Medicare Part A News-Jurisdiction H for March 28th, 2014

    By on April 2, 2014

    The following announcements are brought to you by Novitas Solutions. Medical Policy Updates The following JH MAC Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) which were posted for notice on February 6, 2014 are now effective: Bariatric Surgical Management of Morbid Obesity (L32619) Frequency of Dialysis (L32755) Glaucoma Treatment with Aqueous Drainage...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Medicare Part B News-Jurisdiction H for April 1st, 2014

    By on April 2, 2014

    The following updates are brought to you by Novitas Solutions. Medicare News 2014 Medicare Symposiums Dates and locations for upcoming 2014 Medicare Symposiums are now available! Register today for an event near you! Additional event locations and handout materials will be added when they become available. Stay tuned for...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Medicare Part B News-Jurisdiction H for March 31st, 2014

    By on April 2, 2014

    The following announcements are brought to you by Novitas Solutions.Medicare News  Protocol for Submission of Information relative to New Drugs, New or Revised Indications, or Marketing Information of Forthcoming Drugs or Devices is Now Available! Please review Novitas Solutions’ protocol regarding Submission of Information relative to New Drugs, New...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Medicare Part B News-Jurisdiction H for March 28th, 2014

    By on April 2, 2014

    The following announcements are brought to you by Novitas Solutions. Medical Policy Updates The following JH MAC Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) which were posted for notice on February 6, 2014 are now effective: Bariatric Surgical Management of Morbid Obesity (L32619) Frequency of Dialysis (L32755) Glaucoma Treatment with Aqueous Drainage...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • EMS Leaders 2014 Conference

    By on April 2, 2014

    CREATE will be participating at the EMS Leaders 2014 Conference at the Hotel Denver in Glenwood Springs, CO. Join Lakesha on Thursday, April 17th for “Nailed It: How to Write an Exceptional Grant Application”. This workshop will discuss the grant review process and examine the grant evaluator’s perspective. All...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Senate to Delay Scheduled Cuts in Physician Payments under Medicare

    By on April 2, 2014

    The Senate voted Monday evening to delay scheduled cuts in physician payments under Medicare. The legislation also delays a requirement for hospitals to comply with the “two-midnight” rule for inpatient reimbursement, and pushes back recovery audits of allegedly unnecessary claims until March 2015.

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Obama Signs Doc-Fix Bill

    By on April 2, 2014

    A 64-35 Senate vote Monday cleared the measure through Congress. The law also delays nationwide implementation of the ICD-10 diagnostic codes until 2015. The $21 billion bill would stave off a 24% cut in Medicare reimbursements to doctors for a year and extend dozens of other expiring healthcare provisions,...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Final Surge Pushes ACA Enrollment in Colorado

    By on April 2, 2014

    Enrollment for private health insurance coverage for this year ended Monday with a surge that led to 118,628 Coloradans signing up on the state exchange (Connect for Health Colorado). Some 12,000 people signed up during the last week of open enrollment. Enrollments under the Affordable Care Act are expected...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • With ICD-10 Delayed, Answers Needed from CMS

    By on April 2, 2014

    As part of the House’s Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014, which delays cuts in physician’s Medicare rates (SGR) by another year, the national implementation of the next-generation medical coding system known as ICD-10 has also been pushed out. This delay has focused intense attention on the Centers...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
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