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all about rural
- March 14, 2014
CEO Update: Let the Games Begin!
By Michelle Mills on March 14, 2014Read moreLet the games begin! As you can see I’m obsessed with the Hunger Games. With the recent release of the new installment that focuses on teamwork and an eye on a higher goal, I thought I would start my letter this month with a focus on the Affordable Care...
00 - March 14, 2014
Prowers Medical Center Nominated as Featured Member of the Colorado Rural Health Center
By Bridgette Olson on March 14, 2014Read moreRELEASE DATE: March 17, 2014Contact: Bridgette Olson, Outreach Program Manager303-832-7493 or bo@coruralhealth.org Prowers Medical Center Nominated as Featured Member of the Colorado Rural Health Center Prowers Medical Center is a great example of a rural hospital taking positive steps to implement performance improvement programs, provide for patient safety initiatives,...
- March 14, 2014
House Passage of H.R. 4015, the SGR Repeal and Medicare Provider Payment Modernization Act of 2014
By Alicia Haywood on March 14, 2014Read moreThe following note regarding the passage of HR 4015 was released today, March 14th, by the National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH). It provides some helpful insight into the next steps and political viability of the bill. Today, in a largely partisan vote, the...
- March 13, 2014
Rocky Mountain Health Plans Sponsors The Forum!
By Bridgette Olson on March 13, 2014Read moreThe Colorado Rural Health Center and ClinicNET would like to extend our appreciation to Rocky Mountain Health Plans for their GOLD SPONSORSHIP of this year’s Forum! It is only through the generous support of our sponsors that we are able to host this annual educational and networking event! Rocky...
- March 13, 2014
Conference for Safety Net Providers and other healthcare professionals!
By Bridgette Olson on March 13, 2014Read moreThe 14th Annual Forum will be held next month, April 9-11th at the Sheraton Denver West in Lakewood. The Forum serves as an essential educational, training, and networking conference for all safety net clinics and other interested parties. Click here to register! Agenda SPECIALS & DISCOUNTS Members can receive group...
- March 13, 2014
Colorado Nurses Association to Co-sponsor Spring Health Care Career Event at Sports Authority Field at Mile High on Tuesday, May 6th
By Bridgette Olson on March 13, 2014Read moreOn Tuesday, May 6th the Colorado Hospital Association and the National Healthcare Career Network will host their 5th health care career fair at Sports Authority Field at Mile High. The event will feature Michael Slubowski, FACHE, FACMPE, President and Chief Executive Officer, SCL Health System who will welcome job...
- March 13, 2014
HWIC Farewell
By Bridgette Olson on March 13, 2014Read moreThe time has come to say farewell. The Health Workforce Information Center (HWIC) has not been re-funded. And so, this is the final issue of Health Workforce News and the HWIC website (www.hwic.org) will no longer operate after February 28th. While the online library will no longer be available,...
- March 13, 2014
National Health Service Corps Deadline Extended!
By Bridgette Olson on March 13, 2014Read moreThe deadline for the 2014 NHSC Loan Repayment Program has been extended to Monday, March 24, 2014 at 7:30 pm ET. Applicants may log into the Customer Service Portal and follow the steps to submit their completed application. Please refer applicants to the 2014 Application and Program Guidance to...
- March 13, 2014
MLN Connects-eNews
By Jen Dunn on March 13, 2014Read moreFor those interested in viewing the Medicare Learning Network’s enewsletter, click here for weekly provider news. Be sure to subscribe to get the most up-to-date information.
- March 13, 2014
Applications for Indian Health Services
By Jen Dunn on March 13, 2014Read moreIndian Health Services Provider Enrollment Applications- Development Requests for Additional Information Please read this important article about development requests for additional information on your Provider Enrollment applications. We are noticing trends in missing data on the various CMS 855 enrollment applications, and it is causing delays in processing your...