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  • #2014 Forum Workshop Alert: You Want to Help. Learn How. Mental Health First Aid in Colorado

    By on March 17, 2014

    You Want to Help. Learn How. Mental Health First Aid in Colorado Join Brian Turner, Statewide Programs Manager, Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council  This session introduces Mental Health First Aid, an evidence-based, ground-breaking public education program designed to improve participants’ knowledge of behavioral health disorders, to reduce stigma, and to increase...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Workshop Alert: Managing and Improving Work Processes to Streamline Clinic Operations and Deliver Optimum Care

    By on March 17, 2014

    Managing and Improving Work Processes to Streamline Clinic Operations and Deliver Optimum Care Join Beth Katzenberg, Senior Advisor, Colorado Rural Health Center  The design and management of processes directly determine whether they consistently achieve desired results without rework and workarounds. Process mapping is a useful tool to develop, understand, improve,...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Workshop Alert: Insurance Contracting Negotiation

    By on March 17, 2014

    Insurance Contracting Negotiation Join Todd Welter, Founder and President, RT Welter and Associates  The reimbursement world is changing for you, for payers and employers! Learn the HMO and PPO basics in an improving economy, as well as the ACO concept and what it means to providers. Todd will also discuss...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Workshop Alert: ICD-10-CM Coding Training

    By on March 17, 2014

    ICD-10-CM Coding Training Join Whitney Horton, CPC, CCC, RT Welter Detailed review of chapter 19: Injury, Poisoning, and Certain Other Consequences of External Causes. Chapter 19 applies to a wide range of specialties, and its understanding is imperative to accurate coding in ICD-10-CM. Attendees will have the opportunity to apply...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Session Sneak Peek…Statewide Community Health Alliances

    By on March 17, 2014

    Statewide Community Health Alliances Join Jess, Meyer, Project Assistant, Colorado Coalition for the Medically Underserved and Sarah Vaine, CEO, Summit Community Care Clinic  Learn about the history, best practices and lessons learned from the past 2 years of organizing the Colorado Network of Health Alliances with Jess Meyer, Project...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Session Sneak Peek…Stage 2 MU and All Things Compliance

    By on March 17, 2014

    David has lectured and provided hands on support for health care organizations who are searching, selecting or implementing Electronic Health Records. Drawing on this extensive compliance background, as well as provider work flow management, he is helping organizations make sound business decisions in this emerging area. David is the...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Session Sneak Peek…Real World Preparedness for Clinics: What it is and how to achieve it

    By on March 17, 2014

    Real World Preparedness for Clinics:  What it is and how to achieve it Join William, JD, President and Owner, All Clear Emergency Management Group Emergency preparedness for healthcare providers is not a new concept, unfortunately neither are the struggles associated with facilitating an effective emergency management program in a rural...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Session Sneak Peek…Population Health Impact Through Public Health Integration

    By on March 17, 2014

    Population Health Impact Through Public Health Integration Join Kimberly Boyd, Vice President, Lolina, Inc. Primary care and public health each have a common goal to improve the health status of individuals and populations in a community. The shifting health care landscape has presented new opportunities to collaborate in order...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Session Sneak Peek…Finding a Doctor: It Matters Where You Live

    By on March 17, 2014

    Finding a Doctor: It Matters Where You Live Join Rebecca Alderfer, Senior Analyst at the Colorado Health Institute A new study by the Colorado Health Institute pinpoints areas across the state struggling to attract and retain enough primary care doctors, both for the general population and for Medicaid enrollees....

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Optional marketing packages at 2014 Forum Conference!

    By on March 17, 2014

    Attention healthcare vendors!If your schedule doesn’t allow you to exhibit in  person…that’s ok!  The following optional marketing packages allow you to have a presence at the conference!  Email Matt at me@coruralhealth.org for a registration form.  Display brochure material on our general info table $85.00  Flyer or brochure included in...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
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