12/21/17 THE Consortium: HIT Educational Webinar
12/21/17 THE Consortium: HIT Educational Webinar
About this event
Thursday, December 21, 2017
12:00 pm/noon to 1:00 pm.
Topic: MACRA-MIPS Update
Why you should attend?
If you are not in a Medicare ACO, or you have not signed with CRHC to help you with Meaningful Use and MIPS/QPP please join us to learn about the penalties you may be facing and how to minimize those.
Also, for all CRHC members please attend to hear about the 2018 changes for MU and MIPS/QPP recently finalized.
This webinar is free to CRHC members and hospitals participating in the (current) Colorado SHIP grant program.
If you need assistance, please contact web@coruralhealth.org