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  • Is health insurance an antidepressant?

    By on July 12, 2013

    New findings show that wider coverage has one clear effect on the population, and it’s not one that anyone is talking about. For those who support President Obama’s health care law, which has already begun to expand the number of Americans with health insurance, the rationale is a no-brainer:...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Estes Park Medical Center budget action plan in the works

    By on July 12, 2013

    The Estes Park Medical Center’s budget action plan is on target and in process, interim CEO Bobbi Swenson reported to the Park Hospital District board of directors at the June 19 meeting at the Timberline Conference Room. The meeting, properly noticed, occurred before its usual scheduled last Tuesday of...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Why a Health Insurance Penalty May Look Tempting

    By on July 12, 2013

     OFTEN, when the government wants you to do something, it makes you pay if you don’t. That would seem to be the case with Obamacare, which penalizes companies for not providing health care. But in that penalty, there could be a paradoxical result: dropping health coverage could save companies...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Reevaluating “Made in America”—Two Cost-Containment Ideas from Abroad

    By on July 12, 2013

    The Issue…In the United States, per capita spending on health care is more than double that in most other high-income, industrialized countries, including Australia, Germany, Japan, and Sweden. Yet performance on many health outcome measures in the U.S. lags these lower-spending nations. A New England Journal of Medicine Perspective...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • 4 Essential Factors for Population Health, Accountable Care

    By on July 12, 2013

    Many hospitals and health systems across the country are beginning to take steps out of their old comfort zone — caring for patients within their own four walls — to start initiatives to provide accountable care and manage and improve the health of their populations. Carroll Hospital Center in...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Competition is Rx to slow health costs

    By on July 12, 2013

    Three years into the Affordable Care Act, America’s employers are still looking for the affordable part. Despite a recent slowdown, health care inflation remains two to three times the rate of general inflation. Health insurance is expected to cost a family $16,000 this year, double what it cost a...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • “…To Care for HER Who Hath Borne the Battle… The Rural Woman Veteran”

    By on July 12, 2013

    Of the 22 million living Veterans in the United States today, just over 10% are women Veterans. 83% of women Veterans receive care outside of the VA, and only 170,000 enrolled women Veterans living in rural and highly rural areas of the country, it is easy for VA health...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Hospital CEO Bonuses Reward Volume And Growth

    By on July 12, 2013

    Like hospital leaders everywhere, the people running Valley Medical Center in Renton, Wash., talk frequently about the need to control soaring medical costs. “We are working to reduce the overall cost of health care and to transform health care delivery,” Lisa Jensen, chairwoman of the hospital’s board of trustees,...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Most Recent H7N9 Flu Deadlier Than H1N1

    By on July 12, 2013

    The first estimates of the severity of the H7N9 influenza virus show that about one-third of people who were hospitalized with the infection died. And flu experts warn that the strain could reappear in the next flu season. In February, Chinese health authorities first reported infections with the H7N9...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Should Physician Pay Be Tied to Performance?

    By on July 12, 2013

    We need to rethink how we pay doctors. That’s one thing almost everyone can agree on. The question is, how? Currently, most doctors get paid for every service they perform. But one of the big ideas behind President Obama’s health-care overhaul is paying doctors based on how well they...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
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