02/20/2020 THE Consortium: Evidence-Based Intelligence and You


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02/20/2020 THE Consortium: Evidence-Based Intelligence and You

About this event


THE Consortium Webinar:
Thursday, February 20, 2020

12:00PM- 1:00pm

Topic:    Evidence-Based Intelligence and You

InterQual’s mission is and has always been to promote evidence-based care, improve quality and value, and reduce unnecessary costs—the same goals that value-based care strives for today. To achieve this, InterQual aligns payers and providers with actionable, evidence-based clinical intelligence to support appropriate care and foster optimal utilization of resources. We invite you to learn more through a solution demonstration, to be followed by an interactive Q&A session with Eileen James, RN, Dir. Clinical Consulting, Decision Support

Eileen is a Clinical Consultant with over 30 years of experience in the healthcare industry including clinical nursing (critical care, emergency room, dialysis), utilization management, case management, software implementation, and education. Her expertise includes clinical workflow optimization and clinical consultation for both payers and providers. She was a prior manager in Utilization Review for a large multi-state health plan on the west coast.

Eileen is a subject matter expert for workflows and UM process for software implementations with McKesson Health Solutions/Change Healthcare. She is a Registered Nurse, with a Diploma Degree from St. Luke’s Hospital of Nursing in Fargo, North Dakota.

If you need assistance, please contact web@coruralhealth.org

